
(not Westside Robot)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

5-3-010 1/2

3:05 PM

Today's going to be a fun day! We have 1 day in Taipei to just walk around and explore. My mom wants to take me to Snake Alley. It's an arcade of snake cuisine and restaurants. My mom went to Snake Alley when she was in the orchestra group, and had seen one of the stuff I want to try, Snake Soup. There's a chef with a snake (alive!), and kills it right in front of you. Then, he squeezes all the snake blood into a bowl and chops the snake into pieces. The chef will ask you how you want the snake cooked. Don't you think snake soup is appetizing? After that, we're thinking of going to the puppet museum and the bug museum. My mom wants to take me to the night market at night and eat dinner. Dinner at the night markets are on the streets, with people selling bento boxes. It's not a restaurant! My mom told me that during her orchestra trip, she tried one of the bento boxes 3 times. So, she wants to take me to the exact place, where this old grandma was selling the bento boxes. I will post my experience at night.


  1. I WANT SNAKE SOUP! So, It's almost 6 PM here in America Kent. What time is it there? I hope you have fun. What's in a bento box? (other than food… like what type of food is in a bento box?) cool.

  2. Ara,

    There can be different kinds of food: chicken, vegetables, fish, rice, you name it!
