
(not Westside Robot)

Friday, May 7, 2010


Exciting day today. We woke up at 5 today and went to breakfast. After breakfast, we took a shuttle to the Kaohsiung Arena and got ready. Then, we had our research project presentation. We did the best with the judges we had. They barely spoke in English. After that, we had our robot design presentation, which we did AWESOME on! Our coach was like "In robotic language, you guys hit a home run!" He said that same thing to the teamwork presentation. After, we had this thing called friendship night. Everybody gathers up together and eat dinner. We sat with the other USA teams. This girl from Massachusetts and Sarah made up challenges for me to do. One of my favorites was to eat pasta with your eyes closed. Tomorrow's the last day of the tournament, so I will give you the results tomorrow. I promise that Japan won't beat us!

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