
(not Westside Robot)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

5-4-010 2/2

I am now in Kaoshiung. It's not as busy as Taipei. We took a bullet train here for 90 minutes. On the train ride, we played War, BS, and some other games I can't remember. At night, we went to the night market and tasted some weird-looking food. Luke and I tried chicken feet because our coach bribed us to eat it for 100 taiwanese dollars. It was basically just skin. I also tried duck throat, which was better than the chicken feet. When we came back, one of the top teams in FLL came up to as and said hi. They're called the NXT generation. They won second place for 3 years in Atlanta. The first place winner was called Watt. However, recently, NXT generation BEAT Watt this year, which makes them top team! How cool is that? Plus, they came up to talk to us and we gave them our business cards. Right now, I'm by myself in my room because my parents went to the lobby to tell them that our room is for handicap people. WE HAVE A RESTROOM THAT DOESN'T HAVE TISSUE PAPER, NOR A DOOR FOR THE SHOWER!!! IT'S ALL CONNECTED!!!! Anyways, I'm watching Planet of The Apes and half sleeping, so I will make a new post tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. COol. I'm in science class right now. we dissected a frog.
