
(not Westside Robot)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

5-6-010 2/2

I had a very fun day today! We took a shuttle to a elementary school, that meant "glory" elementary school. We took a school tour and we had recess with them. It was incredible! In fact, there were 2nd graders further than half of Mirman's field. Then, we played basket ball with 6th graders, who sprained Luke's thumb just by lightly slapping him... Then, we walked from the school to the Love River. I forgot to ask the elementary school teacher why they named the river Love River, but it's KIND of self explanatory. What impressed me was that 5th and 6th graders at this elementary school take kayak and sail boat classes every evening. So, they let us kayak and sail the boat. I first went on the kayak, and it was very fun. Although it was my first time, I didn't drown! For those 30 minutes, there was a kayak race, and I won 4th. Luke won 2nd, by ramming into a kid into the harbor-looking thing. Then, we switched from kayaking to sail boating, or vise versa. For those 30 minutes, there was a water splashing fight, which I really didn't enjoy. I mean, I was ambushed over 9000 times AND there was a boy who just jumped into this full-of-bacteria river, and climbed into our boat, and started splashing water at me. In the end, I took a nice, warm shower. After, our team went to the Kaohsiung Arena to set our booth up. We saw a lot of world-wide teams. We started practicing our robot runs, and they were not great, but not bad. Then, our coach had to go to a coach meeting, so we were free for 50 minutes. I went to all of the Japanese teams, *dario* but there were NO laser beams that can kill us. However, there was 1 team that might have a chance to beat us by maybe 10 points. When I started talking to them in Japanese, they were surprised how well I was able to speak. After all that fun, our team came back to our hotel, and ate dinner. Then, we practiced our robot design presentation, and our research project. I am now going to sleep. I will tell you the outcome of the competition.

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